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Knocked Up by the Master: A BDSM Secret Baby Romance Page 14

  “I’m starting to look like a cow,” says Lysa. She smirks up at me while clutching her pregnant belly. Her hair is shorter than it used to be, but it suits her. She wears it just above her shoulders in a way that makes her neck look so slender and beautiful. It also makes it easier to see she wears my collar from any angle. Two years since she took my collar and my ring, and I still haven’t gotten tired of seeing them on her, I still feel a fresh jolt of excitement and desire every time my eyes fall on them.

  My wife. My pet. The mother of my child. I grin with satisfaction.

  “That’s bad news,” I say, moving behind her to wrap my arms around her so I can caress her swollen belly and kiss her neck. “Because I think beastiality is illegal here.”

  She pulls back, making a disgusted but amused face. “You’re supposed to tell me I don’t look like a cow. That I look like a… I don’t know… something less bloated and awkward.”

  “You look like my wife,” I say, pulling her in again and kissing her nose. “And you look like the only woman in the world I would want to be carrying my second child.” I lean in closer, lowering my voice to a whisper. “You look like my pet who needs to be reminded how to behave.”

  She bites her lip, then waggles her eyebrows. “Mr. Big Bad Scary Master is just going to have to wait until tonight to punish me.” She taps her watch tauntingly. “Because he’s not allowed out for another few hours.”

  I glare at her, but not without a hefty dose of enjoyment. It has become one of our routines--a way of building suspense and excitement for the night to come, once we’ve put Zack to sleep for the night and we have no interruptions. She likes to make sure I have reasons to punish her when the time comes, and I’m not about to start complaining.

  Zack’s voice suddenly blares over the baby monitor. “Yaaaaaah!” He yells. I glance at the screen on the monitor, where I can see him standing up in his crib, shaking the bars relentlessly. My little guy doesn’t like to be contained. I have no idea where he got that from.

  “I can get him,” says Lysa’s mom, who pops up from the couch in the other room. We’re in one of my smallest properties, which is still large by any comparison, but Lysa felt the most at home here. She said it was being surrounded by trees and outside the city that made her fall in love with this place. There’s something about the rusticness of the house. I feel it now, too, if for no other reason that this has been the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place. We’ve built memories in this house. It was where we brought Zack home from the hospital and where Erica was conceived. It’s where we were when we got the call that Lysa’s mom was cancer-free after only six months with Dr. Fairchild.

  It feels like the home I never had, like we’re building the foundation of something real and lasting. Something I can be proud of.

  Rachel looks like a new woman since her recovery. She’s still just as surly and likely to lose her temper as ever, but I’ve come to see a sort of kindness behind her personality. She may have a strange way of showing it, but she cares about Lysa, and I think she’s even starting to care about me. Maybe.

  “I can get him,” I say.

  “No shit you can get him,” snaps Rachel. “But I said I’m going to, so unless you want to scrap, maybe you should let me go pick up that cute little baby.”

  I give Lysa a sideways glance. She’s holding back a smile. To be honest, I knew Rachel would react with something along those lines, but I enjoy getting her riled up. So I wait with Lysa while Rachel goes in to get Zack out of his crib. She sets him down once they’re back in the living room so he can walk to us. He just started walking a few weeks ago, so it’s like watching a little drunken man with no fear come waddling toward us.

  “Dada!” he says with a big, two-toothed smile. It’s the first time he has said anything other than “ice” or “meow.” I take a second to lock the sound away in my memory--to put down the moment I heard my son call me dada for the first time.

  I raise my eyebrows at Lysa, who claps and smiles at him. “Yay!” she shouts.

  Apparently egged on by the encouragement, Zack claps his chubby hands and says it again, but he gets so caught up in the excitement that he loses his balance and falls to his butt.

  Lysa scoops him up and hugs him tight. “My little baby,” she coos. “I’m so proud of you.”

  I feel a kind of happiness I never thought I would deserve as I watch them. As if I’ve not only found the purpose in my life, but I’ve also helped build something that is going to keep getting better and more special every day for as long as I live. We built a family. And if my brother, Jayce, ends up staying with his submissive much longer, I won’t be surprised if our extended family begins to grow, too.

  Epilogue - Lysa

  Leo walks a step ahead of me with his hand on the silver chain attached to my collar. I didn’t enjoy the leash at first, and the only place I’ll wear it is in one of the clubs. We’re in The Red Light club tonight, which is particularly busy. My mom’s sleeping over at the house incase Zack wakes up, but he’s a good sleeper, so I doubt he’ll give her much trouble.

  We don’t immediately head into one of the pleasure rooms. Leo has something like a ritual, where it’s almost like he parades me around the club for a time before he enjoys me. I think he feeds on the hungry looks other men send my way and the jealous looks of the women. I keep my eyes down though, because I know that’s what he wants.

  Feeling sexy when my belly looks like it’s stuffed with a basketball is a constant challenge, but Leo is very good at boosting my confidence. He doesn’t even have to say anything most of the time. Every time his eyes fall on me I can actually see the little spark of desire that lights up in him. He can’t ever seem to keep his hands off me or his eyes from wandering my body.

  When I’m with him, I feel so wanted and loved. I feel so sexual and strong. It’s not what I would’ve expected. Leo is such a powerful personality that even if he weren’t a Master, I think he would wring the submission from anyone he interacted with anyway. But being his submissive and his slave has never felt like weakness. It doesn’t feel weak to surrender to someone so strong. It feels empowering. Maybe it’s because it takes a certain strength of will to give in against instinct, and it takes bravery to put your fate in someone else’s hands. But more than that, I’ve come to appreciate the way it makes our relationship grow.

  There are no secrets between us. No red lines or areas that are out-of-bounds. Leo knows me better than I know myself, and I’ve come to know him just as well. It’s a connection like nothing I would’ve ever thought was possible, and I’m in constant awe of how strong it is.

  Besides, my pregnancy has me extra horny the last few weeks, and lately, I’ve been catching myself getting ridiculously turned on by even the smallest things. I may feel like a manatee, but I can barely stay away from Leo when we get a chance to be alone.

  Once he’s done circulating the club with me, he leads me to one of the special twists to The Red Light Club. We step inside a room with what looks like a huge, floor-to-ceiling window across the far wall. I can see the entire lobby of the club from here, where people are dancing, kissing, lounging, and engaging in even more dirty forms of play. But the mirror is a one-way-mirror. From their end, they can only see their reflection.

  I still haven’t quite worked up to the whole exhibitionism thing, even though I felt a dirty thrill when Leo first took me in the hotel, it’s not an experience I’ve been able to bring myself to replicate. The two-way-mirror is a safe compromise though, because I get to feel the sense of being in public and being watched without anyone actually seeing.

  Leo unhooks my leash and sets it down on a table by the entrance, closing the door behind us. The room is modern and set up kind of like a sleek, New York style bachelor pad, but there are several pieces of BDSM furniture and as many tools as we could possibly want in drawers and hanging from the walls.

  “Stand in front of the window, pet,” says Leo. His voice is like hard iron, cold and re
lentless. “Undress.”

  I do as he says without hesitation. I’ve already earned myself several punishments for tonight, and I don’t need to give him an excuse to add even more to the list. He carefully removes his clothes as I do, and his cock is already rock hard.

  “No,” he says. “By the sliding glass sections.”

  I swallow hard, eyes drifting to the section of the mirror where small handles allow parts of the mirror to be slid away. They are stacked on top of each other, with each section being roughly six inches tall and wider than my body. If every section was pulled back, it would create a doorway in the mirror straight into our room. But if they are pulled back one at a time, it just gives an erotic view to everyone in the lobby who cares to watch, while potentially protecting the identity of whoever is on the other side, so long as the sections by the face are left closed. Leo has never mentioned them before now, and even though I felt a dark sense of curious lust toward the idea of displaying myself anonymously like that, I didn’t dare bring it up.

  Maybe it’s my pregnancy hormones, but I’m already wet at the thought that he might have me use them.

  “You tried to tease me earlier today, pet. Now it’s your turn.”

  He steps beside me, then flicks a light. It turns the LED lights at the bottom of the glass from green to red, which signals anyone on the other side that they may look but not touch. He’s going to have me do it. I try to hold in the nervous excitement fluttering in my chest.

  He pulls open four sections of glass giving enough space for my swollen belly and breasts to fit through.

  “Step closer,” he commands.

  I do as he says, noticing several dozen sets of eyes turn my way through the one-way mirror. A few people nudge one another or whisper in ears before moving to sit closer to where I’m displaying myself. Pregnant women aren’t as uncommon as I would’ve thought in the club scene, so I’m not sure why I seem to be drawing extra attention. I nearly fall over with surprise when I see Tessa and Hailey at the other end of the room holding onto two tall, handsome men. I knew they were experimenting with BDSM ever since they heard stories about Leo, but I didn’t expect to see them here.

  I’ve actually grown closer to them since meeting Leo, because for the first time it doesn’t feel like I’m the odd duck or the charity case. I just feel like one of the girls, and they’ve seemed to embrace the new me as much as I have. So as glad as I am to see them here, I’m still thankful they don’t end up coming over to watch whatever Leo’s about to do to me.

  They may be my best friends, but that would just be too weird.

  Leo moves behind me, kissing the back of my neck as he slides his hand around me and cups my breasts. They are tender, but not so tender that I can’t enjoy his touch and even the slight sting that comes when he squeezes.

  “This is for making me do the dishes yesterday,” He says, and I can feel his grin as he presses his lips to my neck and pulls one more section away so that my pussy is visible.

  Seriously? I know better than to question him out-loud, but he’s really grasping for reasons to punish me if he’s going down to household chores. As much as I want to tease him for it, I’m not upset at the consequence. I can count the number of people who have seen me naked on one hand, and right now I’m tripling or quadrupling the number in an instant. If they could see my face, it would feel wrong, but knowing I’m anonymous helps detach any intimacy from it. It’s only a dirty thrill, and one I’m enjoying way more than I would’ve thought.

  At the sight of my pussy, some of the couples shift, eyes growing heavier with lust as they feel each other and kiss.

  Leo’s hands glide down until he’s found my mound and is rubbing me, drawing heavy gasps from me in a mere instant.

  “You’re okay with them seeing?” I ask hesitantly.

  “As long as they don’t see your face,” he breathes into my neck. “It’s just a body to them. This is for us. They are just stage dressing. Meaningless faces in the crowd. You’re anonymous, pet. A tease for them.”

  His hands move in rhythm with his words, stroking and pulling the pleasure from me with every careful motion.

  “Spread your legs,” he says sharply.

  I do as I’m told, waiting with eyes squeezed shut. It may be hot to know there are people watching, but right now I just want him. He eases himself into me from behind. He’s been more gentle with me during the pregnancy, but he seems to know exactly when and where he can get away with force. He also seems to always know exactly when I want it rough or when I want it slow. Right now, he reads directly into my desires and starts working himself into me at an almost painfully slow pace.

  I hear the pulse of the music through the opening and feel the draft of air on my skin through the openings in the glass. I know they are watching--watching me get fucked, and it’s turning me on like I wouldn’t believe.

  He kisses the side of my neck, not slowing his pace, only slightly changing the angle of his thrusts until the head of his cock is hitting me just right.

  I know I won’t last long now, not if he wants me to cum. Leo has an indescribable ability to make me cum with what seems like surgical precision. He seems to be able to sense my impending orgasms and pull back to delay them whenever he wants, or do exactly what he needs to bring them roaring to life at the exact moment he wants.

  Right now he’s toying with me, using his cock to make me ride the edge between an explosive orgasm and the anticipation of its arrival. He draws it out until I’m gasping for breath, begging him to cum.

  He puts his lips to my ear. “Maybe you’ll think twice next time you want to tease me, pet.”

  “I’m so--” I start, but my mouth is forced open when he puts just a fractional amount of force to his thrust and drives the orgasm from me like a roaring rush of white heat that sears my nerves until they burn with the most wonderful kind of exhaustion, until my body feels limp and powerless in his strong arms.

  He lays me down on a special type of massage table meant for pregnant women. I’m able to lay face-down on this table because there’s a space for my belly that’s cut out so I’m not squishing the baby. Not every room here has them, but he always makes sure to pick the ones that do. Even if he doesn’t spank me or do anything that requires aftercare, Leo quickly learned how much I enjoyed the process of being pampered and fussed over when he’s done with me, so he goes through the ritual every time now, just to please me.

  He clicks open a bottle and rubs a cooling lotion into his hands, which he takes great care working into my skin--every last inch of it. He threads his finger across my skin, searching for tight spots and working them from me when he finds them with gentle but firm fingers.

  He’s rubbing my shoulders when he speaks for the first time in several minutes. “You know, I think about how lucky I am every day.”

  “You are lucky,” I say, turning my head so my voice isn’t a muffled mess as I talk into the fabric of the chair. “I doubt many men have cocks as big as yours.”

  He chuckles. “I’m lucky I found you. Lucky you let me into your life. Lucky you gave me a baby and are going to give me another one.”

  “And I’m lucky you were too stubborn to take no for an answer.”

  “I don’t think you ever technically said no,” he says a little defensively.

  “Oh, so it wasn’t stubbornness, it was just you being oblivious? Somehow it’s just as endearing.”

  He laughs again. “Careful, pet. If you start accumulating too many reasons for me to punish you, I won’t be able to wait until tomorrow to carry them out.”

  “That’s supposed to be a threat?” I ask, carefully flipping over and sitting up so I can properly wiggle my eyebrows at him.

  “I’m going to enjoy this,” he growls, easing me back down and climbing on top of me.


  Knocked Up by the Dom - Sneak Peak

  Thanks so much for reading! I’ve included a sneak peak of Knocked Up by the Dom, which is a MUST read if yo
u enjoyed Knocked Up by the Master.

  My darkest secret?

  I let a stranger dominate me in the most intimate way possible.

  He gave me three things that night:

  His first name, the sweet taste of submission, and his baby.

  Now my Dom is back and this time he won’t stop until I’m his.



  I wait in line at the airport with a small bag that bulges at the seams. The woman in front of me gives it a curious glance, then does a double take when she sees I’m wearing a thin white dress with a bikini beneath. She makes an indelicate snort of disapproval through her nose and turns away.

  Let her huff and puff. I’m going on this freaking vacation because I’ve earned it.I’m not even going to stop at a hotel before I go to the beach when I get there, even if I have to march straight off the plane by foot to the nearest ocean. So yes, cranky lady, I am wearing my bathing suit at the airport. Get over it.

  For all my tough internal talk, her look still makes me feel a little self-conscious. I hug the bag a little tighter to my chest before unzipping a pocket on the side and pulling a crumpled post-card free. I look at it for probably the millionth time. It shows a scene of water so perfectly blue it’s hard to tell where the sky ends, a rocky outcropping that makes a small cove where the water is clear enough to show the yellow sand beneath.

  Blue skies and sandy beaches. That’s what I need. Anything to get me a breather from the day-to-day grind of waking up for work, sitting at my desk for nine hours while I try to cling to what’s left of my sanity, then feeling like my evening goes by in the blink of an eye.

  I push the picture back down, closing my eyes and biting my lip. Bermuda. It has taken me months and months to save the money for the plane ticket and the place I’m staying at, not to mention the strings I had to pull to actually get a week off. It’s all going to be worth it. Every second of it.